Mushroom Grow Kits You Must Have in Your Home

mushroom grow kits

As a new enthusiast of the mystical world of Magic Mushrooms or an experienced psychedelic explorer, everyone wishes to have a safe and reliable source of this life-changing substance. That’s the reason growing magic mushrooms at home and mushroom grow kits are becoming increasingly popular.

Even though you can create your own mushroom growing kit from scratch, we recommend trying out pre-made mushroom growing kits first since they come with all the supplies you may need, and it is more likely to get good results as a beginner.

1. How to Grow Your Own Magic Mushrooms?

As a new enthusiast of the mystical world of Magic Mushrooms or an experienced psychedelic explorer, everyone wishes to have a safe and reliable source of this life-changing substance. That’s the reason growing magic mushrooms at home and mushroom grow kits are becoming increasingly popular. 

Even though you can create your own mushroom growing kit from scratch, we recommend trying out pre-made mushroom growing kits first, since they come with all the supplies you may need, and it is more likely to get good results as a beginner. 

Once you become experienced and understand the procedure of growing mushrooms better, you may procure all the supplies you need individually and turn yourself into a professional fungi culturist. This way, you will save yourself precious time and money.

This article introduces the method of safely and efficiently growing magic mushrooms at home and takes you through a step-by-step guide of the procedure.

2. The Natural Habitat of Magic Mushrooms

Mushrooms, and specifically magic mushrooms, flourish in lands with rich soils in plant debris, mostly growing in damp, shady places. Mushrooms also inhabit rotting woods in tropical regions. Some types of magic mushrooms such as Amanita Muscaria grow in cohabitation with large trees such as forest pines.

Sometimes animals such as wild horses and bison consume mushrooms, and later the mushroom grows out of the scat of these animals.

3. What are the Main Contributing Factors to the Growth of Fungi?

Mainly four important factors contribute to the growth and spread of Mushrooms in the wild:


Mushrooms have two main parts, Mycelium, which is the underground roots, and the Fruiting Body which grows out of the ground. Mushroom bodies are made of more than 90% water, and the mycelium requires enough moisture to encourage healthy growth. Therefore, humidity is one of the key factors in the growth cycle of mushrooms.


Mushrooms do not use photosynthesis to create nutrients as they are not plants. However, a certain amount of light is required to trigger the mycelium to initiate the fruiting process.


Mushrooms require oxygen and moving fresh air to optimize carbon dioxide levels. When the levels of carbon dioxide increase around the mycelium, it affects the fruiting process negatively; therefore, low levels of carbon monoxide can signal the mycelium to begin producing fruits.


Every species of mushroom reacts differently to various temperatures, but naturally, fungi cannot grow in extremely hot or freezing cold environments.

4. What is A Mushroom Grow Kit?

Magic Mushroom grow kits come with everything you need to grow your mushrooms from start to finish. All grow kits allow you to grow your mushrooms in a container or grow bags in a relatively small space.

All of the kits will include a type of medium to grow the mushrooms. This is called Substrate. Think of the substrate as soil and the main source of nutrition for the mushroom. However, this medium is usually some type of grain such as woodchips, straw, or coco coir, not actual soil. The mycelium develops and evolves within this medium. Once mycelium’s growth is completed, fruiting bodies or visible mushrooms can be expected to grow out of the substrate.

Mushroom bodies are called fruits because they contain spores that act as the reproductive mechanism of the mushroom. The spores spread, traveling through the air, and once settled in optimal conditions then, new mushrooms start growing, just like the seeds of plants. 

To grow your mushrooms at home, you will need to procure mushroom spores. Some of the mushroom grow kits come with spores or pre-colonized substrates; however, if the spores are not included, you may have to source spores separately from other sources. The spores are commonly sold in syringes. Ensure to source your spores from a reliable website, not random individuals.

Plastic grows bags or plastic containers for different stages of growth are needed. More premium mushroom kits include other tools you need, such as alcohol wipes and even lights.

5. How Long Does It Take to Grow Your Own Magic Mushrooms?

Grow magic mushrooms from start to finish; there are four main stages:

  • Inoculation
  • Germination
  • Colonization
  • Fruiting cycle

Once the spores are introduced to the substrate, it takes about a week for germination to begin. After about 2 to 4 weeks then, it is fully colonized, and the fruiting cycle begins, which typically lasts around 2 weeks.

Depending on the species of the mushrooms, the complete process takes between 4 to 6 weeks from inoculation to fruiting.

Now that we have covered the essential information, let us go through further steps of growing and harvesting your own mushrooms.

6. Instruction on How to Grow your Mushrooms


Most mushroom growing kits include containers and the substrate that you will need. The grow kits typically come with pre-sterilized supplies but it is always good to take the necessary precautions.

Prep your space, preferably a small room in your house where you can maintain hygiene. Use sterilized gloves and a face mask while entering these rooms. Clean the entire room using a disinfectant. Sterilize your containers or grow bags with rubbing alcohol and paper towels. If you have obtained your own substrate, make sure to sterilize it by placing it in boiling water for 15 minutes, drain all the excess water, and let it cool down completely.


Spores usually come in the form of liquids in syringes or stamps. We recommend using a syringe as it is less likely to get contaminated. The syringe containing spores is usually pre-sterilized, however, if you feel the syringe has been contaminated, then use a fire source to sterilize the tip of the needle by heating it until it glows red. Once the syringe is sterilized, make sure it does not come into contact with any surface, and it is fully cooled down before moving to the next step.


We need to introduce the spores into the substrate to begin germination. This is the process of creating the birthing cake. 

To do this, we need to sterilize the inoculation container as harmful bacteria and microbes can take over the medium and completely ruin the cultivation process. Your grow kit may have one large container or several small ones; if using one container, then insert the syringe into the substrate and inject about 1 cc of the liquid into the medium, take the syringe out, re-sterilize, and inject into a different part of the substrate. The idea is to spread the spores throughout the medium so the mycelium can grow faster and evenly. If you’re using several smaller containers, inject each container once and move to the next one after sterilizing the syringe.


Once you complete the inoculation process, you need to close the lid and keep the container in a warm dark place such as a closet or a sterilized box with a lid. Ideally, the temperature must be steady, around 80 to 85 Fahrenheit. 

Leave the container for the next few days for the germination process to begin. 

During germination, it is important not to introduce light to the container and maintain an underground type of ambient for the mycelium to grow optimally. Avoid checking on your grow kit for at least five days.


After five to seven days, a white substance must be formed within the substrate. This is mycelium and indicates that the initial stages have been completed successfully. Now the mycelium must colonize the medium completely. Leave the container for another two weeks (sometimes more) until the mycelium has reached complete growth.

Fruiting Cycle:

 After the container is completely colonized it is time to begin the fruiting cycle. Because the mycelium has been in an air-tight container, most of the moisture present has already been consumed. Clean your hands and take out the birthing cake, by now it must be firm and hold together because of the mycelium growth. 

Place the birthing cake in a sterilized plastic bag or plastic container and fill it with cold filtered water. Close the bags and let the birthing cakes sit for 12 to 24 hours. Once the medium has been rehydrated, you can begin the fruiting process.

Your grow kit will have a separate container for the fruiting cycle called the fruiting chamber. Make sure to sterilize the container. Most grow kits come with vermiculite or pearlite, make sure to sterilize them by soaking them in a solution of boiling water and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 10:1. 

Spread a layer of pearlite or vermiculite on the bottom of your fruiting container. The pearlite and vermiculite act as insulators to help maintain the optimal humidity levels of the fruiting chamber.  

Place your birthing cake on top and spray it well with filtered water. There should be enough room in the fruiting chamber where mushrooms can sprout. Close the lid and place the fruiting chamber where it receives indirect sunlight.

Now you must wait for the fruiting cycle to complete. During this time the chamber must be sprayed with filtered water twice daily to increase moisture. Ensure there is enough air circulation where you place the container, and open the container once or twice a day for fresh air.

During the fruiting cycle, the humidity level must ideally be 85% and the temperature not lower than 70 degrees. 

You can do a smell test to make sure mycelium is healthy. Basically, a foul smell can indicate that the substrate and mycelium have been contaminated, so the complete medium must be discarded.

Once the growth cycle is completed, it is ready to harvest. Mushrooms can be harvested when the caps are opened, ideally, before the gills are completely exposed. Harvest the mushrooms by twisting and snapping them off from the base close to the substrate or use a sharp knife to cut the stem. 

A harvest of mushrooms is called a flush. Remember there are ways to reuse the birthing cake for multiple flushes. Once you are an experienced grower you can try this advanced method.  

Your harvest of fresh mushrooms can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 to five days. If you wish to keep them longer then you must dry the mushrooms. However, a traditional method of preserving mushrooms in jars of honey can extend the time that fresh mushrooms can be stored. Place mushrooms in a glass container and cover them completely with honey. Store in a cool dark place.

Remember there are many ways to grow mushrooms; with a little experience, you can create your mediums and grow kits. However, several problems can occur along the way regardless of the method you may use or the species you are trying to grow.

7. What are the Common Challenges and Possible Solutions in Growing Mushrooms?


The Fungi loves to grow in dark, moist conditions. Unfortunately, other microbes and bacteria grow in such environments as well. In the early stages of colonization, contamination can be a major problem and disrupt the entire process.

 The solution is to maintain personal hygiene and use disinfectants such as rubbing alcohol to keep the growing space as sanitized as possible. Keep the pets and unwanted visitors away from your growing space. 

Train yourself to recognize contamination so you can discard them as soon as possible. For example, if healthy mycelium is white; any part of the grow kit that is turning yellow, brown, or black is a sign of contamination and must be removed immediately to avoid the spreading.

Maintaining the Ecosystem:

Remember, we are trying to recreate the natural habitat for the mushrooms to grow. Therefore, elements such as humidity and air can impact growth. Too much humidity, lack of fresh air, or the wrong ambient temperature can negatively affect the growth and final yield. 

If you are in a dry environment, ensure the medium is well-hydrated before inoculation and during the fruiting cycle. If water is collected at the base of the container, try creating drainage holes. 

During the fruiting cycle, open the container regularly to provide fresh air or use a fan to circulate the air around the container. Use an accurate thermometer to maintain the right temperature in the growing room. During the fruiting cycle, choose a room that provides the minimum required light. Constant monitoring of these factors is the key to successful growth.


As exciting as it could be to harvest your mushrooms, you must enjoy the process and remain patient for the growth cycle to complete. Harvesting your mushrooms too early can result in a low yield, and rushing through the process can cause contamination.

As a beginner, it is best to use grow kits and follow the instructions carefully for the best result.

8. BOTTOM LINE: Trust the Process 

Even though growing your mushrooms can be intimidating at first, one must remember that it is more pleasurable to consume mushrooms grown with your own hands, and it is much safer to obtain them this way. You will be entirely sure about the species of the mushrooms and less likely to face legal issues. 

Growing mushrooms is like meditation; the harvest can nourish your body and mind.

Be patient and trust the process… 

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